
Is Freelancing Right For You?

Learn if you have what it takes to be successful as a digital freelancer.

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Question 1 of 10

Do you consider yourself focused, self-motivated, and disciplined when working alone?


Freelancing requires self-motivation and the ability to work independently. Can you stay focused, meet deadlines, and manage your time effectively without the structure of a traditional workplace?


Yes, absolutely.


Sometimes, it depends.


Not at all.

Question 2 of 10

Do you enjoy meeting new people and building relationships, both online and offline?


Freelancers are responsible for finding and connecting with clients and building a solid professional network. Are you comfortable reaching out, starting conversations, and building a community to attract new opportunities?


Yes, I love meeting new people.


I'm a bit shy when meeting new people.


Meeting new people is not my thing.

Question 3 of 10

Can you multi-task and handle multiple roles and responsibilities?


As a freelancer, you'll wear many hats – from being the CEO to the accountant to the marketer. Are you able to handle various tasks and take ownership of the entire business process?


Yes! I'm a multi-tasker extraordinaire.


I sometimes get overwhelmed if there is too much to do.


I often experience stress or anxiety when I need to multi-task.

Question 4 of 10

Are you adaptable and open to learning new things and keeping up with trends?


The freelance landscape is constantly evolving. Are you willing to adapt to new technologies, learn new skills, and stay updated in your industry to remain competitive and relevant?


Yes! I love to learn new things.


I sometimes struggle with keeping updated and relevant with trends and new skills.


I'm not very good at keeping updated. I'm happy with the status quo.

Question 5 of 10

Are you comfortable managing your own business and personal finances?


Freelancers are responsible for handling their financial affairs, including tracking income, managing expenses, and filing taxes correctly. Are you confident in your ability to handle these financial aspects or willing to learn?


Yes! I am able/willing to learn.


Looking at my finances makes me a little nervous.


I'm not very good with money.

Question 6 of 10

Do you have a strong support system or network?


Freelancing can have its ups and downs, and having a support system or network of friends, family, or fellow freelancers can be invaluable. Do you have access to a supportive community or people you can turn to for guidance, advice, and support when needed?


Yes, I have a fantastic support system.


I kind of have a support system, but it could be better.


No, I don't have a support sytem.

Question 7 of 10

Can you handle the potential isolation that comes with freelancing?


Freelancers often work remotely and may not have the same level of social interaction as those in a traditional office setting. Are you comfortable with potentially spending long hours alone?


Yes, I'm completely comfortable working alone (or I'm happy to find a co-working space).


I find it difficult to work alone, but I can potentially cope.


I really hate working and being alone.

Question 8 of 10

How well do you handle uncertainty and risk?


Freelancing often involves stepping out of your comfort zone, taking risks, and embracing uncertainty. Are you willing to embrace the unpredictable nature of freelancing and navigate through potential challenges and setbacks without looking for a way to go back to a 9-to-5 job?


Yes, I understand there are ups and downs and I'm ready to navigate them.


I'm so-so about handling risks and uncertainty.


I'm really not good about stepping outside of my comfort zone.

Question 9 of 10

Do you consider yourself to be a strong communicator?


Freelancers need to communicate effectively with clients, negotiate contracts, and set clear expectations. Are you comfortable expressing yourself clearly and professionally through written and verbal communication?


Yes, I am a very good communicator.


I am often a good communicator but sometimes struggle.


No, I'm not a great communicator.

Question 10 of 10

Are you able to handle rejection and criticism, and keep moving forward?


Freelancers often face rejection during the client acquisition process or receive feedback that requires adjustments to their work. Can you handle criticism constructively and use it as an opportunity to grow and improve? 


Yes, I can handle feedback with ease.


I find it hard to take criticism, but I'll do what it takes.


I'm not good at handling rejection and criticism.

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