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5 Contract Must-Haves for Digital Freelancers

A contract, often referred to as a service agreement, holds significant importance in the world of digital freelancing. It's...

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When Things Get Difficult, Do You Abandon Yourself?

Life has a funny way of throwing challenges our way when we least expect them. Whether it's a demanding job, a difficult...

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How to Handle Late Payments as a Freelancer

As a freelancer, one of the most frustrating aspects can be dealing with late payments from clients. Late payments can disrupt...

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5 Hacks I Wish I Knew When I Started Freelancing

As a freelancer, I've learned some valuable lessons throughout my career that have transformed the way I work and live. I want...

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How to Be PRO-active vs. Reactive to Find New Freelance Clients

Are you tired of waiting for the perfect freelance gig to land on your lap like a serendipitous gift from the universe? The...

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Help! My Freelance Client Keeps Treating Me Like an Employee

We've been there - the client who keeps treating us like an employee instead of an independent freelancer. In the early days of...

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10 Ways to Lower Stress as a Freelancer to Avoid Burnout

The freelance hustle can be simultaneously exhilarating and downright nerve-wracking. Balancing clients, deadlines, and...

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The Top 10 Freelance Businesses You Can Start in 2024

There is no denying that the world is changing. The way we work is changing. Our priorities are changing. And the ability to...

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5 People Skills Every Freelancer Needs to Thrive

While technical skills are essential for success as a freelancer, mastering people skills is equally crucial. Effective...

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3 Words to Forever Banish from Your Business Vocabulary

Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in business. The words we choose can convey confidence, professionalism,...

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Why "Done is Better Than Perfect" Should be Your New Way of Life

We get it. You like things to be "just so". You have a reputation to upkeep. You have a vision. But at the same time, you know...

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How to Create a Brand for the Level of Luxury That You Provide

Understanding the level of luxury your clients need and want is critical when positioning yourself and your business to...

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